Friday, 27 February 2015

What would happen if a third world war erupted?

What would happen if a third world war erupted?

Mankind has lived the devastating impact of two world wars; what would happen if a third one erupted? 

In the second world war the dire destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki  showed how people  can destroy the whole mankind if they have access to nuclear weapons. Wisely therefore, Einstein said that if a third world war erupted then the fourth would be fought with sticks and stones! This shows how devastating this war  would be .

The use of nuclear weapons would eradicate each sample of human  life on the planet. For many years the earth could  not  accommodate living organisms. The few people who would  manage to survive would try to survive with primitive means. The water and the soil will be  infected. A veil of death would spread over the earth and the whole culture that so painstakingly was created by people over the centuries would be lost in a few hours.

Finally,it is the duty of  humans  to strive always for peace and law and abstain from any belligerent ideology. Our history has taught us a lot about the past. For this reason , we need to safeguard  the present and  secure our future to defend human rights for a peaceful coexistence and progress of all people.

Dafni K.

what if we were invisible

What if we were invisible?

Have you ever thought of being invisible?
Everything would be very easy and also funny. One thing is for sure, you are going to use it a lot of times!
In my opinion, if we were invisible, we could get into our house without using 
the door or something else. Furthermore, we could be an invisible super hero
so we could save the world from  bad people .
Many people would ask one thing- would we be invisible all the time? The answer is no -we would be invisible whenever we want ! Apart from all that, being invisible is very good!
You could go everywhere and any time you want without being seen. Isn't that
the best thing in the world? In addition ,you would be able to meet the most
successful and the biggest celebrities in the world!
In conclusion, I believe that being invisible is very helpful! The only thing that
you have to do is to use this specific super power only for good things and not
for yourself ,for example to become rich!

Anna-Maria D.

Albert Einstein's what if.... - a good read with lovely illustrations!

One day, while riding his bicycle, he gazes at the rays of sunlight beaming from the Sun to the Earth and wonders what it would be like to ride on them, transporting himself into that fantasy:
 It was the biggest, most exciting thought Albert had ever had. And it filled his mind with questions. 

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

If Dogs Could Talk

      If dogs could talk they would be our best friends and we would be with them all the time. We would discuss our problems and they would give us advice. If dogs could talk they would say sorry if they did something bad. Also if dogs could talk they would be here for us at any time we needed help. It would be the greatest thing in the world. 
      On  the other hand, if dogs could  talk we would't have good communication with other people. We would't have any friends and we would be alone. And one day when our dogs pass away  we wouldn't be able to have other friends because during that period the dogs were our only friendships.
      To conclude, if dogs could talk there would be both advantages and disadvantages.

Nick- D Class

English /angel

                   What if water disappeared?
Scientists would start launching rockets to other planets to find water. All living things would start dying and we would too because 70% off humans is from water and every day we have to drink at least 6 glasses of it. If they found water then it would start a war.  All the human kind would be in danger because we would never be prepared for this battle.Humans would start killing each other to take the water inside of them and when all the trees die, the oxygen would disappear and we would not even eat because all the animals would be dead , and the trees too. Is that really going to be the end of human kind? Well, what I was thinking was  if water disappeared then we would die too and the whole planet would die with us or disappear into the universe.   

Angel D class

What If There Was Only One Country - D Class, Pandrossou

If there was only one country in the world, life would be better because all people would work about their country and they would have a better economy.

If there was only one country in the world, we wouldn't have any WARS; we would only have PEACE because all people would like each other since they would love the same country and they would have shared interests.
All the people would be one.........
They would have the same language and of course you wouldn't need
to speak other languages.

My opinion is that having 
ONE COUNTRY in the world, would be the best for all people.
America, Africa and all the countries would be ONE COUNTRY.
John G.

What if we could control time? - D Class, Pandrossou

What if we could play with time? That's a very good question! If we could control time , we could go back to fix an old mistake or go to the future to see what will happen, to know what we should choose or something like that. We could also freeze time, to play or to think before taking a very important decision.

If we could stop time, the world would be more, more , moreeeeee beutiful because people would first think before taking a decision or they could go
back in time and make things that they didn't want to happen go away.

Another thing that we could do, and I think that everyone would love, is to stay kids forever. We could freeze time and stay kids for centuries. We could never die, too. We could decide when we would grow up, just for a moment to see how it is (but I believe , that we would not stay in that period for a long time because we all want to stay kids forever).

Would I like to live in a world like that?......A good question, but I think not . I wouldn't like to live in a world like that, because I think that all things are happening for a reason. If we stayed kids for ever, new children
would never be born, and people who were ill, they 'd be ill forever. I think that life is beautiful as it is and we don't have the right to make changes at it.

And I wanted to add something else: life is a circle, people are born and die . We learn from our mistakes and make them drivers of the future. So, I come back to my first question, If we could control time, what would happen?

Pelina S.

what if.....

What if …cars   didn't exist- 

  If cars didn't exist ,the environment would  be much better because the carbon dioxide in the air would be less .  And the air pollution would be less as well. People would use public transportation for their daily commute like buses, trains, the subway and the trolley buses and even bikes or motorbikes.
   If cars didn't exist there wouldn't be so much traffic jam in the cities. There would be more sidewalks for the pedestrians who go to work on foot. Also,there would be more cycle tracks . The kids would be happier because they could play in the streets of the cities.
   However if cars didn't exist, people would have serious problems for their daily commute in small towns and villages where public transportation is limited.  People would also have difficulties with their trips and holidays.
  Moreover if cars didn't exist,people would get into difficulties with their immediate transportation in towns and cities.
  In real life cars exist and we should use them less.        (169 words)

WHAT IF......


Have you ever imagined how  people and the whole world would  be if we all had super…powers?!!! Having special, different talents than these ones  we have now? Like being invisible, having the opportunity to read  others' mind or seeing as if we  wore x-ray glasses or  having another kind of super-strength like flying, or changing our appearance? Getting fire or ice and water or air (powers with abilities from the weather or the nature and stuff like that.)

If we had all these super abilities, I believe that we could change the world so as  to make it better ,and every day we would feel safer and stronger.  But apart from that we could all take part  in protecting  the environment  and also help with the development of technology  e.t.c. So, our life would be more exciting and full of interesting activities! Of course, there would be  some negative effects-results as well, such us that some people  might use their powers for bad things, but it'd be ok, because we would be used to it..

To conclude, I think this idea is amazing and everyone would want it to be true…Wake up in the morning and fly! Just think about it and you'll see how coveted it is.. 
                                                                                                                     By Nasia S.

'Choose Fair Trade, Improve the Lives of Farmers' - Dea - D -Davari

 'Choose Fair Trade, Improve the Lives of Farmers'

When we buy our products we don't usually care about where they are produced or by whom. We look at the price and if we like it we buy it.

   It is important to be sure that we know all the things about the company that produce a product. Most of the times we don't know where the materials of the products are produced.
If you don't want to have questions about the materials that the companies import or about the quality of the products , you should buy fair trade products. By doing this you are sure where the products are produced . You will know that the farmers  work in safe and healthy working conditions and they are paid fairly for their work.

The farmers work in better conditions and the products have better quality. Farmers by taking a monthly salary, they live better, they eat healthier food.

 Finally when you buy a fair trade product you have a better quality and you  improve the lives of those people. You say a " thank you "  to them that they work for your food.

by DEA HO.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

what if project

What if people didn't think hypothetically?

     We live on a planet called earth with a million species of animals living on it.  One of these is the human. The human has one gift. He can imagine how he can do things better for himself. That's why he has destroyed the earth and he has made a new one as he wants it to be.
    With imagination, you think hypothetically so my question is; What if people didn't think hypothetically? So the answer is; People wouldn't find solutions to their problems, they would only try to overcome them. Also they would stay as powerful as the other animals. But the thing that humans haven't understood is that he is an animal. Finally they wouldn't develop science, technology or medicine. So the average age wouldn't be so high.
  In conclusion if you have ever wondered what brought us here, you know now. The fact that we thing hypothetically is what has made the difference…

Kostas T. ( D class)

What if people could use 100% of their brain?

As we all know, most scientists support that people use only 10 per cent of their brain, but what would happen if we could use 100 per cent of it? A lot of stuff would definitely change!
First, technology would have developed a lot more but I won't stay here because it is indeed a huge topic to analyze. Second, time travelling would be possible. I've been waiting for this day! Since time travelling would be possible, you could correct all of your mistakes and always do the best, but is this always good? Last but not least, people would rule the universe.  They would have traveled to other galaxies and found more planets like earth to live on.
Until that day however, all we have to do is wait for scientist to make it possible, or , to prove that this 10 per cent usable part of our brain is a myth. Anyway, I hope it isn't a myth because I really want to try time travelling one day!!

                                                  D' Class

What if happiness didn't exist ?

   What would happen if there wasn't happiness in the world ?A million things wouldn't exist , too.
If we were never happy, we would never laugh.  Laughter expresses enjoyment, and if happiness did't exist, there wouldn't be reason for laughter to exist. Most importantly for me, life wouldn't have a point because all people would be disappointed and they wouldn't enjoy life. There would be unhappiness and no joy in the world. We would have many problem without solutions. Life would be boring and torturous for all of us. Psychiatric drugs would be more expensive due to increased psychological problems. People would cry as well and the world would be full of tears.( OK, that wouldn't really happen ). Love wouldn't exist because it's something that brings happy feelings to people. Also, there wouldn't be comedies.
   I think most of us know what makes us happy, so let's be thankful that the word "happy" and its meaning exist.
                                                                                                                                                                   DEA HOXHALLI      

Sunday, 22 February 2015

what if..we ran out of oil


In our planet everything works with oil. We use it to power up cars, ships and planes. Industries use it to power up their machines. Also plastic is made of oil.
Have you ever thought what would happen if we ran out of oil?  It will be a matter of hours, before everything stops working.  The entire world economy would collapse in some days. Much less oil would be left and it would become very expensive-maybe more expensive than gold and diamonds .A third world war would start for oil with disastrous results. People wouldn't be able to travel. All means of transport, private or public, would stop. Houses wouldn't have heating. Industries would stop production because they wouldn't have energy to operate their machines and raw materials. Finally in the search of new oil deposits the environment would be destroyed.
Because some of those effects have already been seen I believe we have to stop the heavy use of oil and start the search of other environmentally friendly fuels.

Nick Karandreas

what if people never died

What if people never died...

    For many of us it is a great and awesome idea ,but it can be a bit boring .Never dying is not always good for us and our world.
    First of all, if people never died , we could do everything we want and whenever we want it.. every moment .We would never lose our friends , family, or people we really love ,and we would not care how old  they would be, because death is the biggest fear and if really people never died there would not be  any fear .
    In my opinion , never dying is an important and interesting idea .Lots of people  really want it! The world will be full of people so we could not walk on the roads and  a lot of people would not have a house or somewhere to live . We would have a bigger economic crisis than now ,water would not be enough and we would all be starving to death too ...And do you really want to see someone as old as Adam and Eva....get it on? People would live up to 700years even 900  .
   All in all , I believe that people's never dying is the worst idea for our world and as a consequence it will  destroy our  world ,so people's never dying  is a bad idea that we  all hope it will never happen . 

Antonia Horti

Thursday, 19 February 2015

What if...

                          No sun? NO LIFE!

What if the  sun didn't exist? Have you ever imagined  the possibility of waking up every morning without the sun? Nothing would be the same…

 First of all, everything would be dark. This means that you and the whole world would feel depressed. In addition, plants couldn't live because they need the  sun to survive. Furthermore, the
water would be cold so we couldn't take showers, so we would be dirty.

All in all, if the sun didn't exist, life wouldn't exist as well  or it would be very difficult. So we are very grateful for this, because in some countries the sun has  almost disappeared. Let's hope that the
 sun would be in the sky forever  , otherwise...

Evdoxia Palli , PANDROSOU

WHAT IF... -John Agath,Pandrosou E


         Wouldn't  it be amazing to live under water, instead living up here? The answer is yes- living in the water is a magical experience. 

         If humans lived in the water, there wouldn't be any humans any more because we would  have gills.We would be something like monsters.The good part of the story is that we would have fantastic cities under water-how cool is that??

         Firstly,the positive results of the story would be  that we wouldn't have cars, so we would travel using other fish!Secondly,  we would live under water!

         The bad thing of the story would be that we wouldn't have any special foodsince we would eat only fish!

Another bad thing is that maybe we would  be eaten by bigger fish.Also, another bad thing is that   if we lived under water who would live on the earth??????Propably the earth would  be taken over by aliens or something else.

In my opinion if we lived under water ,this would  be would be ok.But,I think living on the earth is better than living under water because we wouldn't have all these things that we have on the Earth.

John Agath,Pandrosou

What if.... :)


   Have you ever imagined life in the sea? Have you ever thought of the results? Many of us would like this kind of life and others will hate it.
   First of all,there would be some good and bad results. All the animals would disappear and the fish would be less. People wouldn't have a big variety of food as they could eat only fish. As well as that,they wouldn't have important things like wood to build their house with. Apart from that, the humans would have more hobbies and jobs to do in the sea. For example, fishing  would be popular and also surfing,water-skiing,scuba diving and swimming will be easier because  people would do those hobbies daily. Also, the other jobs will have more fun under the sea. Furthermore, people wouldn't need important things like clothes and it would be easier to build their houses.
  All in all, these are some good and bad effects...Would you like to leave in the sea?

Falitsa Zacharia,Pandrosou

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

What if we didn't have any gravity!!! C- Davari

What if we didn't have any  gravity!!!

Can you imagine life if there wasn't any gravity ?
Maybe not , but maybe yes !
To be sure I will tell you my "strange"  thinking .
       If we didn't have gravity ... hm ... We can imagine a lot about it . 
      So , if we didn't have gravity all the world would be different . One difference , for dads and mums , it'd be that they wouldn't stop in traffic , because there would not be any traffic, they could "fly" in their cars . Of course, they would have traffic lights , but when it was green we could run very - very fast . 
       Another main difference is that you wouldn't be able to push anything on the ground. You would be in the air all the time! That would be good sometimes, but some others bad. The good thing with this is that if you could fly,  you wouldn't be able to break anything if it was on the table or anywhere!

        The bad thing with this is that you wouldn't be able to sit anywhere you wanted. Or that you wouldn't be able to play with anything still on the Earth.

Niki - Davari

Monday, 16 February 2015

What if dinosaurs lived again? - C Davari

If dinosaurs lived again what could we do?What if they had not disappeared? Would we use them for food ,would we rear them, love them or would we just be afraid of them?

 I think that we would have them as pets or chase  them  until their extinction. Ι  also believe that animals and all humans after many years would manage to live together in harmony.

But because of the cold that  prevails in  some areas of  the world , dinosaurs wouldn't survive everywhere.

  Almost 1,000 species of dinosaurs have been discovered until today, while scientists believe that there are many thousands more which have not been out in the light, which shows how much variety there was.

Would we use them for food , rear them, love or fear them?

                                JURASSIC PARK adventure sci-fi fantasy dinosaur movie film rain wallpaper background                                                     Apostolos Kondoyannis

Sunday, 15 February 2015

What if... we were robots! - C Davari

What if we were robots?  

If we were robots there would be good and bad consequences.

A positive result would be that we could fly so we could catch things that are high and do things faster and much better. For example we could build our house ourselves so we wouldn't need money to pay builders. Also we would be able to do our homework in just a few minutes. 

On the other hand there would be some negative consequences. First of all we wouldn't have feelings because we wouldn't have a heart but just cables. We would be scheduled to do the same things daily. Every day, we would wake up, go to school, come back home, do homework and sleep. That would be boring. 

Finally, we wouldn't be able to swim because we would short-circuit. These are the good and bad results of being a robot. 

My opinion is that I don’t want to be a robot because if I were one I would have a boring life.

Konstadinos Zach.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

The Cycle of Water

In our C class we discussed the Cycle of water in nature. 

Everything starts with the sun. 
When the sun heats water, it .......


How many sentences can you make? 
How are clouds formed?
How do we get rain?
How do we get snow? 

... more to come.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Buying Fair trade Products is good for you!

Buying Fair trade Products 

It is really important to buy Fair trade products for many reasons:
  1. You know that the product which you are using, eating or even playing with is made by people who get paid for making it and not by children or adults working as slaves without getting paid.
  2. You make sure of the quality of the product that you use.
 On the other hand, by buying a product which is not Fair trade you risk lifes. You should know that this kind of products are not necessarily made by employees who get paid. For example,  most of the cocoa which is produced per day is not Fair Trade. By saying "risk lifes" I mean that people who work illegally to make the goods that you use and buy everyday, get tortured. In some cases people have died that way.

In my opinion we should buy ONLY Fair trade Products. The problem is that in Greece there are only a few stores which sell those products. 
 Chara Ts

FAIRTRADE PRODUCTS (By Vasilia Sp. D class)

 Buying Fairtrade products is very important, especially for some people.

The products that show this sign   on the package are made by people who are regularly paid and work normal hours.
This sign   "protects" those people who work the land and it guarantees their equality and their freedom.

If you buy Fairtrade products, you help poor people in Africa, in Asia, in South America e.t.c. Also Fairtrade products are friendly to the Environment and they stop child labour, because plenty of people exploit poor children and force them to work hard for long time.

Fairtrade products respect human life and help the communities build schools and hospitals too.

With those products you help a million slaves win their freedom!!!

Watch this video:

Fair trade is more important than you think!

We all know that Fair Trade products are very important! But how many of us know why?

Fair Trade products  impact positively the lives of over one million fair trade farmers and their families in more than fifty five countries. Tough number don't you think? Fair Trade items help to lift up these people while respecting everyone's rights. It might be more expensive, but our support can make it cheaper and more wanted than items made by slaves at Africa's farms.

With everyone's effort we can make it. Thank you for supporting Fair Trade!

By ....... (?) :-)