Thursday, 5 February 2015

FAIRTRADE PRODUCTS (By Vasilia Sp. D class)

 Buying Fairtrade products is very important, especially for some people.

The products that show this sign   on the package are made by people who are regularly paid and work normal hours.
This sign   "protects" those people who work the land and it guarantees their equality and their freedom.

If you buy Fairtrade products, you help poor people in Africa, in Asia, in South America e.t.c. Also Fairtrade products are friendly to the Environment and they stop child labour, because plenty of people exploit poor children and force them to work hard for long time.

Fairtrade products respect human life and help the communities build schools and hospitals too.

With those products you help a million slaves win their freedom!!!

Watch this video:


Melen@ said...

Very interesting and very informative! Thank you for sharing Vasilia! :)

Unknown said...

I really liked your post and video Vasilia! It was both nicely organized and informative-that's just the way it needs to be if you want to get the word out!