Friday, 27 February 2015

What would happen if a third world war erupted?

What would happen if a third world war erupted?

Mankind has lived the devastating impact of two world wars; what would happen if a third one erupted? 

In the second world war the dire destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki  showed how people  can destroy the whole mankind if they have access to nuclear weapons. Wisely therefore, Einstein said that if a third world war erupted then the fourth would be fought with sticks and stones! This shows how devastating this war  would be .

The use of nuclear weapons would eradicate each sample of human  life on the planet. For many years the earth could  not  accommodate living organisms. The few people who would  manage to survive would try to survive with primitive means. The water and the soil will be  infected. A veil of death would spread over the earth and the whole culture that so painstakingly was created by people over the centuries would be lost in a few hours.

Finally,it is the duty of  humans  to strive always for peace and law and abstain from any belligerent ideology. Our history has taught us a lot about the past. For this reason , we need to safeguard  the present and  secure our future to defend human rights for a peaceful coexistence and progress of all people.

Dafni K.

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