What if dinosaurs were still alive?
First of all, it is possible that humans wouldn't be so advanced and that we wouldn't have so many cities.
On the positive side, think about it..
humans could be friends with the dinosaurs. Maybe they could even be our pets. Dinosaurs could play football with humans and why not use our public transport? They may even teach at our schools.
On the other hand, maybe dinosaurs would have us as pets and we would be swimming in a tank right now. They could be friends with aliens. There are so many possibilities.. maybe they would be the pets of the aliens. It's hard to imagine which side they would be on; ours or theirs?
Something is definitely for sure, we wouldn't have a great chance of surviving since they would use all of the oxygen and end life on planet Earth.
Finally, Jurassic Park may be true...
Bill Tsibloulis
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