Wednesday, 22 February 2017

D Pandrossou -Irene Manoussi -SOTF

School of the future
 I hope that future generations will attend a school that will make it easier for students to learn. It won't be the same as now,lots of things will be different.
First of all, the classrooms will be bigger and more comfortable with clean desks and interactive whiteboards. There,students will be able to spend active and nice time at school.
     The whole school building will be huge, clean, modern and with up-to-date technology.  When it comes to facilities there will be so many rooms that will give the opportunity to students to have a relaxing break . These rooms will be full of comfortable armchairs, colorful sofas so there the kids can have their ten-minute break. There will also be a computer room which will be full of electronic gadgets. The decoration will be colorful but the walls will be blue and the lights as well.
Of course some things won't change like the books and the subjects .So, the subjects will remain the same  but there is going to be a new one which would be  the Pet Training. Moreover,exams will take place once in a month and the overall score will be included in the term marks.
The school of the future will be much better for students – modern decoration, polite and nice teachers and a colorful environment for everyone will be some of its features. The next generations will have an easier school life for sure!
Irene Manoussi
School of the Future

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