School of the Future
Have you ever thought about the school of the future? Has it ever crossed your mind what kind of education your grandchildren will have? And what about the buildings ? How different and how much big will they be?
Firstly ,the buildings will be massive and there will be pools and playgrounds for the students to play. The structure will be made of glass and full of colors so as to seem attractive and bright. There will be 8 huge classes on every floor. There, instead of blackboards there will be modern Smartboards and projectors .The students will use various devices like laptops, smartphones and tablets so the lesson will be more fun and interesting for them.
Moreover, students will be able to choose just seven lessons to work on easily since most of the students are good only at some specific ones. But those students who are good at all lessons, they will have the opportunity to attend all the classes...Also, the exams will be based on the lessons that every student has chosen. Furthermore, new lessons will be added. As we are getting older we can understand that we should be taught lessons that they do not even exist. Lessons such as Money management, Safety at home and even a Career Advice lesson.
So, at the school of the future a lot of changes will happen for our kids and for the future generations.That means that the School of the future won't be the same !!!
Dclass ,
Jim Tsibloulis
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