Tuesday, 24 February 2015

what if project

What if people didn't think hypothetically?

     We live on a planet called earth with a million species of animals living on it.  One of these is the human. The human has one gift. He can imagine how he can do things better for himself. That's why he has destroyed the earth and he has made a new one as he wants it to be.
    With imagination, you think hypothetically so my question is; What if people didn't think hypothetically? So the answer is; People wouldn't find solutions to their problems, they would only try to overcome them. Also they would stay as powerful as the other animals. But the thing that humans haven't understood is that he is an animal. Finally they wouldn't develop science, technology or medicine. So the average age wouldn't be so high.
  In conclusion if you have ever wondered what brought us here, you know now. The fact that we thing hypothetically is what has made the difference…

Kostas T. ( D class)


Unknown said...

What an interesting thought Konstantine-so thought provoking!!

Unknown said...

I agree with your opinion,Kosta!!;)

Unknown said...

Yeah, it's so important to think out of the box-otherwise new ideas don't have a chance to develop

Anonymous said...

Μπράβο Κωνσταντίνε !